Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cool Cities in the USA are can solve global warming by:

1- Iowa first municipal wind turbine.

2- Klamath falls- geothermal heating system keeps the Sidewalks clear and dry.

3-Seattle reduces its own pollution by 60% by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.

4- Houston Taxes: by 2010 all vehicle will become hybrid.

5-Salt lake city save $32000 a year on its energy cost by installing 861 light emitting diode (LED) traffic signals.

6-Washington DS: replace 414 of its polluting diesel buses with cleaner burning, compassed natural gas buses.

7-Colombia Missouri- working to produce 10% of there electricity with clear energy like wind and solar power by 2015.

8-Twin falls Idaho- School increased their efficiency of energy which caused to reducing in cost by $3.2 million.
9 ST. Paul has built a biomass fired power plant for heating buildings.

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